Multi-Tech Systems FF220 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 207
Chapter 5: FaxFinder Client Software Operation 
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. 
FaxFinder Admin User Guide 
Edit Menu 
The Undo command (also accessible using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Z and the 
reverses the effect of the last command. 
Insert Menu 
FaxFinder Cover Page Generator Software Menu Command Definitions (cont’d)
Command Name 
Insert menu commands 
Use to insert a bmp or tif image into the cover page 
Field Text  
Edit Box 
Use to insert an automated field into the cover page 
template.  The values inserted into automated fields 
come from FaxFinder Address Book, FaxFinder Send 
Fax screen, from client user’s PC, and from the 
remote fax sender. When you create a new Edit Box, 
you must select it and double-click on it to make the 
Item ID screen appear.  It is in the Item ID screen that 
you specify which type of information will be placed in 
this position on the fax cover page.  Use icons to align 
text to left, center, or right.  Use “Font” icon or 
command in Settings menu to alter font, font size, 
and font style.