Panasonic TH-50AS670M ユーザーズマニュアル

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Select the setup menu from the tool guide on the top of the screen.
Home Screen Selection
1. Display 
Home Screen Selection
2.  Select the screen with   /   and press 
 to set.
Full Screen TV
Displays full-screen TV.
TV Home Screen
To make your TV experience more convenient and comfortable
Lifestyle Screen
Displays the TV with useful information and services for everyday life.
Info Screen
Enjoy internet content while watching TV.
Face Recognition / Voice Print Recognition
By using the Communication Camera and Voice Control function, this TV 
recognises your face / voice and displays the registered Home Screen.
Say “my Home Screen” into the microphone of the Touch Pad Controller to 
use this function.
To use this function, you need to set up a user profile and register face / 
voice data, preferred Home Screen, etc.