Fluke 41B ユーザーズマニュアル

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Users Manual
A linear load with no phase shift.
A linear load with phase shift. A narrow ellipsoid in 
this pattern usually does not mean there is a 
problem. For wider ellipsoids, check power factor 
(PF). If the ellipsoid is backwards (upper left to 
lower right), check that you have pointed the 
current probe in the right direction.  
A nonlinear load, usually resulting from pulse-type 
power supplies.
A nonlinear load resulting from a 3-phase (six 
pulse) rectifier power supply.
A linear load that is 180 degrees out of phase. A 
Current Probe pointed in the wrong direction or 
reversed polarity voltage leads can cause this 
indication. This incorrect alignment will also cause 
negative power readings.
A combination of harmonic content and phase shift 
of the fundamental frequency.
A pattern indicative of a silicon-controlled rectifier 
(SCR) power supply.
Figure 15. Typical VA Check Signatures