HP (Hewlett-Packard) HP 85660B ユーザーズマニュアル

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21.4 MHz Preamplifier 
The 321.4 to 21.4 MHz converter drives the 21.4 MHz preamp which consists of Q6 and
its associated components. Q5 provides bias for Q6 by setting the base current. 
and C23 form a series resonant circuit producing a notch in the frequency response of this
amplifier at 10.7 MHz. This is to prevent the second harmonic of 10.7 MHz from causing a
spurious response.
Slope Attenuator 
The HP 8566 is a harmonic mixing spectrum analyzer, and as such has five bands of
frequencies to cover the range of 0 to 22 
 When changing from band to band, the
conversion loss of the input mixer changes. Also within each band there are variations of
conversion loss with frequency.
The variations of conversion loss within each band are compensated by pin diodes CR1 to
CR4 and associated circuitry. Pin diodes have a property of changing RF impedance as
their dc current is varied. Thus 
 form the two elements of a voltage
divider. The current through 
 is fixed by 
 The current through
 is determined by circuitry on the 
 Slope Generator. This forms a current
controlled variable attenuator. Pin diodes 
 are used in place of a fixed resistor to
provide temperature tracking with 
Step Gain Amplifier 1   and Step Gain Amplifier 2 
The variations of conversion loss from band to band are compensated for by two identical
variable gain amplifiers made up of Q3 and 
 and associated circuitry (Q4 and 
emitter follower buffers). A simplified circuit of one of these stages is shown in Figure 1. The
gain of the amplifier is determined approximately by the following equation.
Impedance (CR8, 
Impedance (CR5, CR6, and CR7)
The impedance of CR8, 
 and CR10 is determined by R23 and temperature compensation
The impedance of CR5, CR6, and CR7 is determined by the current from the step gain circuit
on the 
 Relay Driver.