Magnetek Quattro DC Elevator Drive ユーザーズマニュアル

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Quattro DC Drive Operation and Feature Overview 
Drive Operation and 
Feature Overview 
The Quattro DC drive is a velocity and torque 
regulated motor drive designed specifically for 
operating elevators.  Many of the features 
described below can be selectively 
programmed to customize an individual 
Analog Velocity Follower 
The elevator car controller provides an analog 
velocity reference to the drive at A6TB1-15 
and A6TB1-16.  The signal may be bi-polar +/-
10 VDC to indicate speed and travel direction, 
or a positive only unipolar signal with the 
direction of travel selected by logic commands.  
In most cases the signal profile will be adjusted 
by the car controller for precise landing 
positioning.  The velocity reference passes 
directly to the closed loop velocity controller, 
except for an internal rate limiter to buffer any 
unexpected electrical noise.  Start and Stop 
commands are via 24VDC logic inputs. 
Calibration of the analog velocity reference 
signal may be adjusted with separate gain and 
offset parameters.  To set the Analog Velocity 
Follower, the user must set SPD COMMAND 
SRC (C1) to Analog Input. 
Preset Speed & Profile Generator 
An alternate method of speed control is that 
the elevator car controller provides 24VDC 
logic input commands to select one of 15 pre-
determined running speeds.  The drive 
generates a smooth S-Curve acceleration 
profile to transition between speed selections.  
Either of three separately adjustable ramp 
times may be selected. The direction of travel 
may be determined by either a Run command 
with an Up/Down command signal or by 
separate Run-Up / Run-Down logic 
commands. To set the Analog Velocity 
Follower, the user must set SPD COMMAND 
SRC (C1) to Multi-Step, then adjusting Multi-
Step Speed Commands in the Multi-Step 
Submenu A3. 
Serial Link Follower 
The elevator car controller provides the 
equivalent of an analog reference command 
over a digital serial link.  The drive returns 
operating status conditions and messages.  
Primary run command are 24VDC logic for 
redundant safety if wanted.  The speed 
sensitivity of the serial velocity reference is 
adjustable.  Enabling the serial link follower 
requires SPD COMMAND SRC (C1) to be set 
When enabled, the speed error integrator will 
be pre-conditioned by the supplied pre-torque 
signal before starting the regulator.  This will 
cause motor armature current to begin at a 
magnitude proportional to the pre-torque 
command to prevent elevator motion or 
rollback when the elevator brake is released.  
The pre-torque signal will be from either an 
analog (wired at A6TB1-18 and A6TB1-19) or 
serial link digital source as selected by 
programming PRETORQUE SOURCE (C1).  If 
Pre-Torque is not used, leave PRETORQUE 
SOURCE (C1) at the defaulted value of none.  
TORQUE MULT (A1) are available to scale the 
pre-torque signal.  Ten volts = rated motor 
current with a multiplier of 1 and a bias of zero. 
Torque Feed Forward 
Some car controllers may calculate an 
accurate demand for motor torque as required 
to accelerate the connected load as well as 
hold it against gravity.  The torque demand 
signal can be programmed to directly drive the 
torque control part of Quattro from either an 
analog or serial link input.  EXT TORQ CMD 
SRC (C1) must be set to either analog input or 
serial and SPEED REG TYPE (C1) must be 
set to either pi speed reg, elev spd reg, or 
external reg.  The connections for an analog 
external torque command source are A6TB1-
18 and A6TB1-19.  With an accurate torque 
compensating signal, the gain of the PI 
regulator can be reduced, to better ignore and 
not amplify mechanical vibrations of the hoist 
way.  Separate adjustments are provided for 
torque signal gain and offset.  An EXT 
MULT (A1) are available to scale the torque 
signal.  Ten volts = rated motor current with a 
multiplier of 1 and a bias of zero. 
Torque/Current Ramp-Down 
When the drive is told to cease operation by 
removal of the Run logic command, (and after 
Brake Drop time if that function is engaged) 
the armature current reference ramps down to 
zero at a constant rate.  This allows the 
mechanical Brake to gently assume elevator 
holding torque, reducing the tendency to 
‘thump’ the brake.  When armature current 
ramp-down is complete, the contactor will be 
opened.  In the event that the contactor opens 
unexpectedly, as reported by the feedback 
contact or in the event of a severe drive fault,