DELL 38XX ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 417
Firmware management
Downloading RAID controller module, enclosure 
management module (EMM), and physical disk 
Script Command Structure
All script commands have the following structure:
command operand-data {statement-data}
where, command identifies the action to be performed, operand-data represents the storage array 
component to configure or manage (such as a RAID controller module, physical disk, or disk group), and 
statement-data is what you want to do to the component (such as, specifying the RAID level or 
availability of a disk group).
The general form of the syntax for operand-data is as follows:
(object-type | allobject-types | [qualifier]
(object-type [identifier] {object-type
[identifier]} | object-types [identifier-list]))
An operand-data object can be identified four ways:
• The object types and object qualifiers
• The all parameter
• Brackets
• A list of identifiers
NOTE: You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores for the 
names. Command names can have a maximum of 30 characters. If you exceed the maximum 
character limit, replace square brackets ([ ]) with angle brackets (< >) to overcome this limitation.
Use an object type when the command is not referencing a specific object. The all parameter means all 
objects of the specified type in the storage array (for example, allVirtualDisks).
To perform a command on a specific object, use brackets to identify the object (for example, 
virtualDisk[engineering]). Specify a subset of objects with a list of identifiers in brackets (for example, 
virtualDisks[sales engineering marketing]). In a list of identifiers, use a blank space as the delimiter. A 
qualifier is necessary if you want to include additional information to describe the objects.
The following table lists the object type and identifiers associated with the object types.
Table 5. Object Types and Identifiers
Object Type
0 or 1
Enclosure ID and the slot ID
Physical disk channel identifier
Remote Replication virtual disk user label