Mitsubishi Electronics QD75D2N ユーザーズマニュアル

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1.3 Restrictions on using a stepping motor 
Note the following restrictions on using a stepping motor: 
(1)  For an axis where a stepping motor is connected, executing the S-curve 
acceleration/deceleration may cause step-out. 
Before using the S-curve acceleration/deceleration, confirm that step-out does 
not occur. 
(2)  The circular interpolation control cannot be used for an axis where a stepping 
motor is connected. 
Although setting the bias speed at start is required by the characteristics of the 
stepping motor, the setting of the bias speed at start is disabled for circular 
interpolation control. 
Therefore, when using the circular interpolation control, use servomotors for 
both two axes. 
(3)  The backlash compensation function cannot be used for an axis where a 
stepping motor is connected. If the function is used, the motor may lose steps. 
1.4 Function additions/modifications according to function version B 
When it is desired to check the following items, refer to the corresponding   
explanation sections. 
How to check the function version and SERIAL No. (Refer to Section 2.4) 
The following function additions/modifications according to the function version B of the 
Function Outline 
Multiple CPU compatible function 
Refer to QCPU User's Manual (Multiple CPU System). 
Speed-position switching control (ABS mode) 
Function which starts the axis under speed control, 
switches to position control at the external command 
signal input, then positions the axis to a stop at the 
designated address. 
Section 9.2.17
Pre-reading start function 
Function which shortens virtual start time. 
Section 12.7.7
External I/O signal monitor function 
Function which monitors the external I/O signal monitor 
information in the module's detailed information which 
can be displayed on the system monitor of GX 
Developer  1. 
Section 13.5 
Deceleration start flag function  2 
Function that turns ON the flag when the constant 
speed status or acceleration status switches to the 
deceleration status during position control whose 
operation pattern is "Positioning complete". 
Section 12.7.8
Stop command processing for deceleration stop 
function  3 
Function that selects a deceleration curve when a stop 
cause occurs during deceleration stop processing to 
speed 0. 
Section 12.7.9
1: For the QD75P /QD75D , this function is available in GX Developer (SW6D5C-GPPW-E or later). For details, refer to 
GX Developer Operating Manual.   
For the QD75P N/QD75D N, external I/O signals cannot be monitored on GX Developer. Use the system monitor of 
GX Works2. For details on the system monitor of GX Works2, refer to GX Works2 Version 1 Operating Manual 
2: For the QD75P /QD75D , this function is available for modules whose serial No. (first five digits) is "03042" or later. 
3: For the QD75P /QD75D , this function is available for modules whose serial No. (first five digits) is "05072" or later.