Bungie Myth SoulBlighter ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 81
Types of Network Games
Each team has a target unit (or units) who has a double thick yellow bor-
der when they're selected (on most levels this target member is a Baron).
The object of the game is to assassinate your opponents’ targets before
they can get to yours. If your target is killed at any time in the game you're
eliminated from the game and your troops will disappear. Similarly, if you
eliminate an opponent's target they will be eliminated and all of their
troops will disappear. The winner is the person who eliminates the most
enemy targets. In case of a tie the winner is whoever eliminated an enemy
target earliest in the game.
There's a variation of the Assassin game known affectionately as "Choke
the Chicken." This game is identical to a normal game of Assassin, except
that the target units are uncontrollable chickens.
Each team starts the game in possession of a ball. The objective is to cap-
ture as many of your opponents’ balls as possible. When time runs out, the
player with the biggest set of balls wins.
A number of balls are placed on the battlefield. The winner is the player
who is the uncontested owner of the most balls at the end of the match.
Similar to Territories, although the movable nature of the balls means that
you can dribble the balls back to a well-fortified position rather than
spreading your troops thin across the entire map.
It's often useful to assign your units to presets at the beginning of a net-
work game and then use the key to cycle quickly between the groups.
There are up to nine flags on the battlefield. The winner is the first player
to capture all of them. It is not necessary to defend a flag after it has been
captured; touch it and move on.
Each team struggles to kill the most wildlife. Every target animal has a cer-
Myth II: Soulblighter