Q-Logic 3200 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 366
9–Fibre Channel Interactive Commands
Loopback Test (-kl)
SN0054667-00  C
Start Diagnostics Test
4. Adapter Diagnostics2. Fibre Channel Adapter1. Loopback Test<port selection>4. Start Diagnostics Test
From the Loopback Test menu, select the Start Diagnostics Test option to run 
the external loopback test. For example:
HBA Instance 1: QLE2462 Port 2 WWPN 21-01-00-1B-32-37-F9-C4 PortID 00-00-EF
Diagnostics Settings
Data Pattern             : Random
Data Size (Bytes)        : 8
Number of tests (1-65535): 10000
Test Increment(1-65535)  : 1
Abort On Error           : Ignore
Test Continuous          : OFF
Loopback Type            : External Loopback
Diagnostics - Loopback Test Result
Hit <ENTER> to abort
HBA Test Data Pattern          Status    CRC       Disparity FrameLength
--- -----------------------  ----------- --------- --------- -----------
 1  00-7E-F9-66-02-FE-EB-7E    Success         0         0           0
Finished 10000 iterations in 1 second(s)...