Renesas SH7264 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Section 8   Cache 
R01UH0134EJ0400  Rev. 4.00  
Page 209 of 2108 
Sep 24, 2014 
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group 
Section 8   Cache 
  Capacity 
Instruction cache: 8 Kbytes 
Operand cache: 8 Kbytes 
  Structure: Instructions/data separated, 4-way set associative 
  Way lock function (only for operand cache): Way 2 and way 3 are lockable 
  Line size: 16 bytes 
  Number of entries: 128 entries/way 
  Write system: Write-back/write-through selectable 
  Replacement method: Least-recently-used (LRU) algorithm 
Cache Structure 
The cache separates data and instructions and uses a 4-way set associative system. It is composed 
of four ways (banks), each of which is divided into an address section and a data section.  
In each way, each of the address and data sections is divided into 128 entries. The data section of 
the entry is called a line. Each line consists of 16 bytes (4 bytes 
 4). The data capacity per way is 
2 Kbytes (16 bytes 
 128 entries), with a total of 8 Kbytes in the cache as a whole (4 ways).  
Figure 8.1 shows the operand cache structure. The instruction cache structure is the same as the 
operand cache structure except for not having the U bit.