Renesas R5S72627 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 2152
Section 21   IEBus
Page 1090 of 2108 
R01UH0134EJ0400  Rev. 4.00 
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
(3)  Slave Address Field 
The slave address field is a field to transmit an address (the slave address) of a unit (the slave unit) 
to be transmitted. The slave address field is comprised of slave address bits, a parity bit, and an 
acknowledge bit. 
The slave address consists of 12 bits and the MSB is output first. The parity bit is output after the 
12-bit slave address is transmitted to avoid receiving the slave address accidentally. The master 
unit then detects the acknowledgement from the slave unit to confirm that the slave unit exists on 
the bus. When the acknowledgement is detected, the master unit enters the control field output 
state. However, the master unit enters the control field output state without detecting the 
acknowledgement in broadcast communications. 
The slave unit returns an acknowledgement when the slave addresses match and the parities of the 
master and slave addresses are correct. When the parity of either the master or slave address is 
incorrect, the slave unit decides that the master or slave address was not correctly received and 
does not return the acknowledgement. In this case, the master unit enters the waiting (monitor) 
state and communications ends. 
In the case of broadcast communications, the slave address is used to identify the type of broadcast 
communications (group or general) as follows: 
  When the slave address is H'FFF: General broadcast communications 
  When the slave address is other than H'FFF: Group broadcast communications 
Note:  The group number is the upper 4-bit value of the slave address in group broadcast 
(4)  Control Field 
The control field is a field for transmitting the type and direction of the following data field. The 
control field is comprised of control bits, a parity bit, and an acknowledge bit. 
The control bits consist of four bits and the MSB is output first. 
The parity bit is output following the control bits. When the parity is correct, and the slave unit 
can implement the function required from the master unit, the slave unit returns an 
acknowledgement and enters the message length field output state. However, if the slave unit 
cannot implement the requirements from the master unit even though the parity is correct, or if the 
parity is not correct, the slave unit does not return an acknowledgement and returns to the waiting 
(monitor) state.