Renesas R5S72643 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 2152
Section 4   Boot Mode 
R01UH0134EJ0400  Rev. 4.00  
Page 113 of 2108 
Sep 24, 2014 
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group 
Figure 4.3 shows the configuration of the sector data that are read out as the loader program. 
Data area
Loader block
identifying data
512 bytes
    Data area (512 bytes)
    This area holds part of the loader program.
    Control-data area (16 bytes)
    - Loader block identifying data (6 bytes)
      This area is employed to identify the loader block. Store 0x5A as the identifying data.
    - ECC code (10 bytes)
      Store the four-symbol ECC code generated by the on-chip NAND flash memory controller here.
511 512
517 518
6 bytes
10 bytes
Figure 4.3   Sector Configuration for the Loader Program 
Figure 4.4 shows the locations where the loader program is stored. 
Store the loader program in sectors 0 to 15 of the loader block. Read out the loader program in 
Loader program
Sectors 0 to 15
NAND flash memory
Search in blocks
0 to 1023 (max.)
Figure 4.4   Locations where the Loader Program is Stored