Multitech MTCBA-Xx-EN2-GP ユーザーズマニュアル

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Chapter 2 – Installing the Router 
MultiModem rCell User Guide 
The Wizard Setup page opens, where a minimum router configuration is provided. 
The table that follows describes the basic parameters you need to set before you can connect to the Internet.  
IP Configuration 
IP Address 
The default is To change it, type a new IP address.
The default is
Enter the primary DNS IP address for the system. The default is 
PPP Configuration 
The default is disable. To connect to the Internet, you need to enable PPP. 
Depending on the model, commands may need to be issued to the integrated cellular modem 
before connecting to the wireless service. To issue commands to the integrated cellular 
modem, PPP must be disabled and telnet port 5000 used. 
The default is disable
Idle Time Out 
Sets the time the PPP link stays active before disconnecting. Setting the value to zero causes 
the link to stay active continuously.  
Dial Number 
Enter the dial number. This number connects you to the Internet.
For GSM, the number is *99***1#. 
For CDMA, the Dial Number is #777
For GSM models, enter the APN (Access Point Name). Your wireless service provider assigns the 
APN. If you don’t know the name, ask your provider for it. 
An access point is an IP network to which a MultiModem rCell Router connects. The Web 
Management software asks for the APN on the Wizard Setup and the PPP screen. 
For CDMA models, the APN does not apply. 
Init String 
You can set up to 4 router initialization strings.  
PPP Authentication 
Authentication Type 
Select the radio button of the authentication protocol used to negotiate with the remote peer:
PAP, CHAP, or PAP-CHAP. The default is PAP-CHAP 
Enter the PPP Username. This name authenticates the remote peer.  
Enter the PPP Password. This password authenticates the remote peer. 
To save changes, click Submit
To cause your changes to go into effect, from the Menu bar, click Save & Restart. The router reboots. 
You don’t need to click Save & Restart after every change you make. You can submit several changes on 
various pages, and then click Save & Restart