Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 ネットワークガイド

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Configuring VLAN Stacking Services
Configuring VLAN Stacking
page 9-12
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
September 2009
Configuring SVLANs
There are three kinds of SVLANs: one that carries customer traffic, one that carries provider management 
traffic, and one that carries IP Multicast VLAN traffic (IPMVLAN). SVLANs are not configurable or 
modifiable using standard VLAN commands. The exception to this is that it is possible to configure an IP 
interface for a provider management SVLAN. However, traffic is not routed on this interface.
 command is used to create an SVLAN. This command provides parameters to spec-
ify the type of SVLAN: svlan (customer traffic), management-vlan (provider management traffic), or 
ipmv (IP Multicast traffic). For example, the following commands create a customer SVLAN, manage-
ment SVLAN, and IP Multicast VLAN:
-> ethernet-service svlan 300
-> ethernet-service management-vlan 200
-> ethernet-service impv 500
Similar to standard VLANs, the administrative and Spanning Tree status for the SVLAN is enabled by 
default and the SVLAN ID is used as the default name. The ethernet-service svlan command also 
provides parameters for changing any of these status values and the name. These are the same parameters 
that are used to change these values for standard VLANs. For example, the following commands change 
the administrative and Spanning Tree status and name for SVLAN 300:
Used for ...
Creating SVLANs to tunnel customer or manage-
ment traffic or an IP Multicast VLAN for distrib-
uting multicast traffic.
Creating a VLAN Stacking service and associat-
ing the service with an SVLAN or IP multicast 
Configuring a switch port as a VLAN Stacking 
NNI port and associating the NNI port with an 
Configuring a vendor TPID and legacy Spanning 
Tree or GVRP support for an NNI port.
Creating a VLAN Stacking SAP and associates 
the SAP with a VLAN Stacking service name.
Configuring a switch port as a VLAN Stacking 
UNI port and associating the UNI port with a 
VLAN Stacking SAP.
Specifying the type of customer traffic that is 
accepted on SAP UNI ports.
Configures traffic engineering attributes for cus-
tomer traffic that is accepted on SAP UNI ports.
Associates a VLAN Stacking SAP with a profile.
Configures how protocol control frames are pro-
cessed on VLAN Stacking UNI ports.
Associates a VLAN Stacking UNI port with a 