Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 ネットワークガイド

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Configuring VRRP
VRRP Configuration Overview
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
September 2009
page 32-13
Note. In certain cases, this may not be a desirable behavior, as when the original master comes back and 
immediately causes all the traffic to switch back to it.
If all virtual routers have the preempt mode enabled (the default), the virtual router with the highest prior-
ity will become the master. If the master router goes down, the highest priority backup router will become 
the master. If the previous master or any other virtual router comes up with the preempt mode enabled and 
has a higher priority value, this router will become the new master. 
To prevent a router with a higher priority value from automatically taking control from a master router 
with a lower priority value, disable the preempt mode for the higher priority router. This is done by using 
the no preempt keywords with the 
 command. For example:
-> vrrp 6 4 disable
-> vrrp 6 4 no preempt
Note. The virtual router that owns the IP address(es) associated with the physical router always becomes 
the master router if it is available, regardless of the preempt mode setting and the priority values of the 
backup routers.
In the above example, the first command administratively disables virtual router 6. (If you are modifying 
an existing virtual router, it must be disabled before it is modified.). The second command disables the 
preempt mode for the same router. Henceforth, router 6 will not preempt another virtual router with a 
lower priority. For more information about priority, see 
Enabling/Disabling a Virtual Router
Virtual routers are disabled by default. To enable a virtual router, use the 
 command with the enable 
keyword. Note that at least one IP address must be configured for the virtual router through th
 command. For example:
-> vrrp 7 3 priority 150
-> vrrp 7 3 address
-> vrrp 7 3 enable
In this example, a virtual router is created on VLAN 3 with a VRID of 7. An IP address is then assigned to 
the virtual router. The virtual router is then enabled on the switch.
To disable a virtual router, use the disable keyword.
-> vrrp 7 3 disable
A virtual router must be disabled before it may be modified. Use the vrrp command to disable the virtual 
router first; then use the command again to modify the parameters. For example:
-> vrrp 7 3 disable
-> vrrp 7 3 priority 200
-> vrrp 7 3 enable
In this example, virtual router 7 on VLAN 3 is disabled. The virtual router is then modified to change its 
priority setting. (For information about configuring the priority setting, see 
.) The virtual router is then re-enabled and will be active on the switch.