Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 ネットワークガイド

ページ / 1162
Creating Policies
Configuring QoS
page 40-38
OmniSwitch AOS Release 6 Network Configuration Guide
September 2009
Logging Rules
Logging a rule may be useful for determining the source of firewall attacks. Note that logging rules is not 
supported on the OmniSwitch 6800.
To specify that the switch should log information about flows that match the specified policy rule, use the 
policy rule command with the log option. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 log
To stop the switch from logging information about flows that match a particular rule, use no with the log 
keyword. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 no log
When logging is active for a policy rule, a logging interval is applied to specify how often to look for 
flows that match the policy rule. By default, the interval time is set to 30 seconds. To change the log inter-
val time, use the optional interval keyword with the log option. For example:
-> policy rule rule5 log interval 1500
Note that setting the log interval time to 0 specifies to log as often as possible.
Deleting Rules
To remove a policy rule, use the no form of the command.
-> no policy rule rule1
The rule will be deleted after the next qos apply.
Verifying Policy Configuration
To view information about policy rules, conditions, and actions configured on the switch, use the follow-
ing commands:
When the command is used to show output for all pending and applied policy configuration, the following 
characters may appear in the display: 
Displays information about all pending and applied policy conditions or 
a particular policy condition configured on the switch. Use the applied 
keyword to display information about applied conditions only.
Displays information about all pending and applied policy actions or a 
particular policy action configured on the switch. Use the applied key-
word to display information about applied actions only.
Displays information about all pending and applied policy rules or a par-
ticular policy rule. Use the applied keyword to display information 
about applied rules only.
Displays applied policy rules that are active (enabled) on the switch.
Indicates that the policy rule has been modified or has 
been created since the last qos apply.
Indicates the policy object is pending deletion.