Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 参照ガイド

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Chassis Management and Monitoring Commands
page 2-20
OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide
September 2009
reload all
Reloads (i.e., reboots) all the Network Interfaces (NIs) and Chassis Management Module (CMMs) in an 
OmniSwitch chassis, a standalone switch, or all the switches in an OmniSwitch stack.
reload all [in [hours:] minutes | at hour:minute [month day | day month]]
reload all cancel
Syntax Definitions
in [hours:] minutes
Optional syntax. Schedules a reload of all modules to take effect in the 
specified minutes or hours and minutes within the next 24 hours.
at hour:minute
Optional syntax. Schedules a reload of all modules to take place at the 
specified time using a 24-hour clock. If you do not specify the month 
and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day 
provided the specified time is later than the time when the CLI 
command is issues. If the specified time is earlier than the current time, 
the reload will take place on the following day.
month day | day month
The name of the month and the number of the day for the scheduled 
reload. Specify a month name and the day number. It is unimportant if 
the month or day is first. See examples below for further explanation.
Cancels a pending time delayed reload.
Platforms Supported
OmniSwitch 6400, 6850, 6855, 9000, 9000E. 
Usage Guidelines
-> reload all
Release History
Release 6.1; command was introduced.