Alcatel-Lucent 6850-48 ハードウェアマニュアル

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Stack Cabling
Managing OmniSwitch 6850 Series Stacks
page 4-18
OmniSwitch 6850 Series Hardware Users Guide
September 2009
Redundant stacking cables provide a form of dual redundancy. As shown in the figure above, the redun-
dant cable allows traffic to flow in the event of a stacking link failure. The redundant cable also provides 
failover if a switch goes down within the stack. Traffic continues to flow between the modules that remain 
operational, as shown in the diagram below:
Stacking Cable Redundancy: Recovery Following a Switch Failure within the Stack
Checking Redundant Stacking Cable Status
To check whether a redundant stacking cable connection exists between the top-most and bottom-most 
switches in the stack, use the 
 command. For example:
-> show stack status
Redundant cable status  : present
Tokens used             : 12
Tokens available        : 20
In this example, a redundant stacking cable connection is present between the top-most and bottom-most 
switches in the stack.
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Chassis Front
Stacking Cables
Data enters slot 1 through a 10/100/1000 Ethernet port. 
The data traverses slot 2 via the stacking cables and exits 
slot 3 through one of its 10/100/1000 Ethernet.
The slot 2 switch goes down unexpectedly. Data can no 
longer move through slot 2. 
However, because there is a redundant connection (the 
cable between slot 1 and slot 4), data immediately 
traverses slot 4 and then exits slot 3 to its destination.
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4