Netopia r6100 参照ガイド

ページ / 352
IP Setup   10-27
Notes: The remote DHCP ser ver(s) to which the Netopia Router is relaying DHCP requests must be capable of 
ser vicing relayed requests. Not all DHCP ser vers suppor t this feature. For example, the DHCP ser ver in the 
Netopia Router does not.
The DHCP ser ver(s) to which the Netopia Router is relaying DHCP requests must be configured with one or more 
address pools that are within the Netopia Router’s primar y Ethernet LAN subnet. (There is no mechanism for 
DHCP clients to receive an address on a secondar y subnet via a relayed DHCP request.)
Connection Profiles
Since you will probably only have a single connection to your ISP over the ADSL link, you may not need to create 
multiple connection profiles. Multiple connection profiles are useful on leased (unswitched) inter faces such as 
ADSL only to suppor t meshed WAN connections. If you do not intend to set up meshed WAN connections, you 
do not need to create multiple connection profiles.
Connection profiles may be used to define the connection information for your WAN Auxiliar y Por t access.
Connection Profiles define the line and networking protocols necessar y for the router to make a remote 
connection. A connection profile is like an address book entr y describing how the router is to get to a remote 
site, or how to recognize and authenticate a remote user dialing in to the router. For example, to create a new 
Connection Profile, you navigate to the WAN Configuration screen from the Main Menu, and select Add 
Connection Profile.
The Add Connection Profile screen appears.
Add Connection
                             Add Connection Profile
         Profile Name:                      Profile 01
         Profile Enabled:                   Yes
         IP Enabled:                        Yes
         IP Profile Parameters...
         IPX Enabled:                       No
         Data Link Encapsulation...         PPP
         Data Link Options...
         ADD PROFILE NOW                    CANCEL
Return accepts * ESC cancels * Left/Right moves insertion point * Del deletes.
Configure a new Conn. Profile. Finished?  ADD or CANCEL to exit.