Roland JUNO-G オーナーマニュアル

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Editing a Song (MIDI Track)
Press [F5 (CH/PART)].
The Ch/Part Select window appears.
Select the track whose performance data you want to view 
or edit.
[F3 (MIDI)]: MIDI track
Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to make your selection.
Tracks of all MIDI channels
The track of the specified MIDI channel
[F4 (TEMPO)]: 
Tempo track
[F5 (BEAT)]: 
Beat track
For an explanation of each type of sequencer data, refer to 
“Sequencer Data Handled by a MIDI Track,” below.
Press [F6 (CLOSE)] to close the window.
Use [
] [
] or the VALUE dial to select the performance 
data that you want to edit.
Press [ ] [ ] to select the parameter that you want to edit.
Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to set the value.
When editing the Note Number of note or polyphonic 
aftertouch data, or the On Velocity or Off Velocity of a note, you 
can also specify the value by playing a key on the keyboard.
• When you press [ENTER], the sequencer data currently shown 
at the “ ” will be transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector. In 
the case of a note message, the note will sound when you press 
If you want to edit a system exclusive message, refer to “Editing 
a System Exclusive Message,” below.
To close the MICROSCOPE screen, press [EXIT].
Editing a System Exclusive Message
Use [
] [
] or the VALUE dial to select the system 
exclusive message that you want to edit.
Press [ ].
The System Exclusive Edit screen appears.
Press [
] [
] [ ] [ ] to move the cursor to the data you 
want to edit.
Use the VALUE dial or [INC] [DEC] to edit the value.
• If you want to add data between “F0” and “F7,” move the 
cursor to that location and press [F3 (INS)]. A value of “00” will 
be inserted. Change this to the desired value.
• To delete data, move the cursor to the relevant location and 
press [F2 (DEL)].
When you are finished editing, press [F6 (EXEC)] to finalize 
the values of the system exclusive message.
To cancel, press [F5 (CANCEL)].
If you decide to discard the changes you made to the system 
exclusive message and return to the MICROSCOPE screen, 
press [EXIT].
• In the case of a Roland type IV system exclusive message, the 
checksum can be calculated automatically when you finalize the 
values. If you do not want to calculate the checksum 
automatically, press [F1 (AT SUM)] to remove the check mark (
• When you press [F4 (TEST)], the system exclusive message you 
are editing will be transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector.
MIDI tracks can record the following seven types of sequencer data. 
The recorded location (measure-beat-tick) is displayed at the far left 
of each data item, and the MIDI channel number is displayed beside 
Note ( 
These MIDI messages represent notes. From the left, the parameters 
are Note Number, which indicates the name of the note; On Velocity, 
which specifies the force with which the key is pressed; Duration, 
which specifies the duration of the note; and Off Velocity, which 
determines the speed with which the key is released.
Program Change
This MIDI message switches sounds. The program number (PC#) 
selects the sound.
Sequencer Data Handled by a MIDI 
Track 100 ページ 2006年7月31日 月曜日 午後2時49分