Motorola m470 ユーザーガイド

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                                                    USER’S GUIDE
Advanced Features
  Advanced Features
Isolated Site Operation (ISO) allows group call communications 
to continue within a single cell site when connectivity to the net-
work is lost by allowing the cell to operate in a local, one cell only 
mode. ISO is limited to dispatch talkgroup calls only. In Phone 
and Private Conversation modes the display will update to 
include “-Isoft” on the first line. Talkgroup communications will 
be limited to only those units that are connected to the ISO cell, 
and only on the talkgroup or Talkgroup Mode (depending on 
Scan setting) that the subscriber unit last used before the cell 
entered the ISO state.
Entering ISO
The mobile will enter the ISO state when its cell becomes iso-
lated from the network, assuming the mobile has no available 
neighbor cells. It will display one of the following screens: (The 
LED indicator is off in ISO unless the unit is transmitting. While 
transmitting, the LED will be green).
Phone Mode
Group Call Mode
82C89-O_AdvancedFeaturesText  Page 16  Friday, January 3, 1997  9:06 AM