Garmin 2006 オーナーマニュアル

ページ / 104
Using the NAV Button with DSC
The receiver of a Distress Call or Position Report can quickly navigate to the caller using the NAV 
button. Once the call is logged, highlight the entry on the Call List and press the NAV button to Go To 
that MMSI number or the Name of the caller. 
User Card Tab— interface control for saving waypoints, routes, and tracks to a data card.When data is 
saved to a data card, it may be exchanged with other compatible units and Garmin’s MapSource PC  
To transfer data to/from a data card:
1.  Insert the data card into Slot 1. If there is already user data on the card, highlight ‘Manage User Card’ and 
press  ENTER/MARK.  From the ‘User Card’ tab, select the checkbox next to each type of item you want to 
2.  Press the ‘To Card’ SOFT KEY to save the selected items to the data card. Press the ‘From Card’ SOFT KEY 
to load the selected items from the data card.
3.  If transfering data from the card to the unit, press the ‘Merge’ SOFT KEY to combine the selected items 
with those of your GPS. Press the ‘Replace’ 
SOFT KEY to overwrite all selected items on your GPS.
4.  A ‘Transfer Complete’ message appears once the data has been transfered. Press ENTER/MARK
Time Tab— displays the current time and date, allows you to adjust the 12 or 24-hour time format, enter 
a time zone, and adjust for daylight savings to show correct local time. The unit must be receiving valid 
NMEA position data to display the proper time and date.The following options are available:
•   Time Format— choose from 12 or 24-hour (military) time format.
•   Time Zone- choose your correct time zone to show correct local time or enter a UTC Offset. The 
UTC (also called Greenwich Time) offset is how many hours you are ahead or behind the time line. 
See the table on page 78 for time offsets.
•   Daylight Savings— choose from ‘Auto’, ‘On’, or ‘Off’ to adjust for daylight savings.
Pages Tab— allows you to turn on/off the GPS Info on power-up or any of the main pages, or ‘Jump To’ a 
particular main page. You may also set which page appears first when you power the unit on. (continued)
Time Tab
Pages Tab
Main Menu: DSC/Time/Pages Tabs