Garmin 3600 ユーザーガイド

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Chapter 10 Setting Connection and Network Preferences
Setting Connection and Network Preferences: Network Preferences
7.  Tap the   
Connection pick list and select a connection. The list includes the configurations displayed in your Con-
nection Preferences panel.
8.  Tap the 
Phone Number field to display the Phone Setup dialog box.
9.  Enter the phone number you use to reach your ISP or dial-in server. 
  NOTE: MCI customers must enter the calling card number in the Phone # field, and the phone number in the Use Calling 
Card field.
10.  If you do not need to enter a prefix, disable Call Waiting, or enter a calling card, tap 
•  To enter a prefix before the telephone number to access an outside line, tap the Dial Prefix check box, and enter 
the prefix. (For example, many offices require that you dial “9” to dial a number outside the building.)
•  To turn off Call Waiting, tap the 
Disable call waiting check box to select it, and enter the code to turn off Call 
Waiting. (If you do not know the code, contact your local telephone company for the appropriate code.) Call Wait-
ing can end your network session if you receive a call while you are connected.
•  To use a calling card to dial your ISP or dial-up service, tap the 
Use Calling Card check box. On the Use Calling 
Card line, enter three commas. (Each comma delays transmission of your calling card number for two seconds, 
to compensate for the delay before the number is entered.) Enter your calling card number. 
11.  When you have finished setting up your phone number, tap 
Customizing Service Templates
You can create your own service templates from scratch or duplicate existing templates and edit the information. If you use one of 
the predefined service templates, you probably only need to enter your user name and telephone number. If you create a new service 
template, you may have to provide additional information.
To create a new service template:
1.  Tap the 
Home icon 
. Then tap the 
Prefs icon 
2.  Tap the   pick list in the upper right corner of the screen and select 
3.  Tap the 
Menu icon 
4.  Tap the 
Service menu and then tap New. A new service template (called Untitled) is added to the Service pick list.
To duplicate an existing service template:
1.  Tap the 
Home icon 
. Then tap the 
Prefs icon 
2.  Tap the   pick list in the upper right corner of the screen and select 
3.  In the Network Preferences screen, tap the   
Service pick list. Tap the predefined service template you want to  
4.  Tap the 
Menu icon 
5.  Tap the 
Service menu and then tap Duplicate. A copy of the service template is added to the Service pick list.