Map&Guide Professional 2010, UPD, Scandinavia, Add Lic D0016-0502-0900 ユーザーズマニュアル

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Application area  
Distance calculation 
Manufacturers, logistics and transport companies and 
public-sector organisations base their invoicing on the 
standard map&guide distance kilometres. 
This puts quotes, cost estimates and invoice verifications on 
a solid footing and renders them transparent for customers 
and partners. The calculations are based on vehicle-specific 
attributes and the latest map&guide map material. 
Application area  
Green transports  
Many transporters are developing 
strategies to prepare for tomorrow's 
environmental challenges. However, 
green logistics still has to make 
business sense.  
map&guide professional has directly integrated CO2 
emissions calculations with route calculation. It performs 
detailed calculations for each route, taking the vehicle type, 
weight, uphill grades, CO2 emissions and other pollutants 
into account.  
The software even handles CO2 offsetting effortlessly and 
can document compliance for customers with route-specific 
certificates and emission reports.  
That way, companies who plan and cost transports with 
map&guide can offer "green" transports in addition to 
standard ones – with no extra planning or acquisition costs.  
map&guide professional calculates emissions using HBEFA 
3.1, the Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport 
issued by INFRAS AG of Bern with emissions data for 
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Emissions values for 
France, Norway and Sweden also come with map&guide 
Measurement programmes conducted for federal 
environmental agencies are the most important sources for 
HBEFA 3.1. Second-by-second measurements were taken of 
emissions produced by cars (on the road) and trucks (on the 
rolling test stand); driving behaviour was recorded as well. 
Based on this data, emission factors were generated for 
driving patterns and traffic situations and integrated in the 
map&guide routing. 
To calculate CO2 correctly, you must enter the following 
vehicle parameters precisely: transport class, weight, 
emission class, fuel type and particle filter. The route 
summary then shows the CO2 emissions for a certain route 
and vehicle type. 
Besides CO2, map&guide professional also calculates 
emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen 
oxides, particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, methane, non-
methane, benzene, toluene, xylene, ammonia and nitrous 
oxide. All the calculation results are neatly documented in 
the itinerary or a special emission report. 
Application area 
Visualisation of customer data incl. search for next and 
corridor search 
Which A, B and C customers are located near a particular 
point? What other customers can I visit on a planned route 
without major detours? Which preferred service provider 
should I use for a certain consignment in a certain address 
map&guide professional provides a clear overview of your 
addresses and opportunities:  
Address visualisation  
map&guide professional lets you categorise customer 
addresses (A, B and C customers, for example) and display 
them on the map using different symbols or colours. Other 
categorisations are also possible - by sales, for example - in 
order to assess existing opportunities. 
Search for next 
This function figures prominently in many searches for 
suitable service providers. Find the addresses situated within 
a user-defined search radius (e.g. 10 km) around a particular 
location/point on the map. Refine the filter even further 
Application areas