Nortel 4000 ユーザーガイド

ページ / 351
Chapter 3    Determining RAC Status
Managing Remote Access Concentrators Using Annex Manager
Optionally click
Save Output ...
 to save the screen output to a file.
Save Output ..
. displays the standard
File Selection
 window, which
includes the default text directory. You can enter a file name in
 field and click
 to store the contents of the
window output box or
 to return to the window.
 to close the window.
The Annex Discovery Window
 Annex Discovery
window uses text fields to control the discovery
process, and an output box to display information about RACs and other
devices. The window option button allows you to determine the level of
detail that appears in the output box and the push buttons allow you to
update your current RAC list or save the contents of the output box to a
 Annex Discovery
window may not find every RAC on a network
because the discovery process can identify only those network
devices that are visible to a specific search device at the current time.
The text fields control the identification process. You can complete the
following fields:
Search Device
 accepts the name or IP address of any network
device that stores information about nodes, devices and
addresses on your network. You can use a device name or IP
address here.
 Annex Discovery
 uses the Annex
Manager default community string to communicate with the
search device and with each device it queries.
SNMP Timeout
 specifies the length of time in seconds that Annex
Manager waits for a response. You can enter a number of
seconds here. If you do not enter a value
Annex Manager
the SNMP default.
SNMP Retries
 controls the number of times that Annex Manager
tries to reach a RAC or other device on the network. You can
enter a number here. If you do not enter a value the discovery
process uses the SNMP default.