Lowrance lms-334c igps 操作ガイド
Edit Trail menu.
Trail Visible/Invisible and Other Trail Options
The name, maximum number of points, active and visible settings are
all changed on the Edit Trail menu screen. The Active setting deter-
mines whether or not the unit is recording new points for a trail.
all changed on the Edit Trail menu screen. The Active setting deter-
mines whether or not the unit is recording new points for a trail.
On the Edit Trail menu, press
↓ ↑, ←
to highlight the section you
want to change, then press
. Make your changes and press
close the menu. Related trail functions are discussed in further detail
under the Trails topic in Sec. 7, Advanced GPS Operations.
under the Trails topic in Sec. 7, Advanced GPS Operations.
Main Menu with Transparency command selected.
Transparency allows you to adjust the transparency of menu windows.
High transparency allows you to continue monitoring the screen's dis-
play while adjusting feature settings, but may cause the menu to be-
come unreadable. Low transparency will usually make menu text eas-
ier to read, at the cost of watching your display.
High transparency allows you to continue monitoring the screen's dis-
play while adjusting feature settings, but may cause the menu to be-
come unreadable. Low transparency will usually make menu text eas-
ier to read, at the cost of watching your display.