Citel 6000 ユーザーガイド

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& EXTender
6000 System Administrator’s Guide
2 6 8
14. Perform a display station on extension Ch1 to certify that all changes have been saved. Ensure that 
all appearances are bridged to the office extension and that an Analog Adjunct to extension Ch2 
15.  Done. The DEFINITY PBX is now configured to support one user. 
SCENARIO #2: Only ConneX Phone Is Used 
Provisioning a new extension for the ConneX Phone. 
1.  Provision an extension for the ConneX phone (Ch1) on the DEFINITY.  Wire this extension into the 
RemoteConneX PBXgateway on an available port.  
2.  Go to Page 1 of the DEFINITY terminal session to configure the Ch1 extension. 
3. Change 
Type to a DEFINITY phone set that supports the “analog adjunct” feature. We recommend 
phone set 8411D, however other phone types like the 6416D+ and 6424D+ also support the analog 
adjunct feature. Notice the Data Option field appears in the middle of the screen when this change is 
4. Enter 
Name field. Be sure to give this extension a clear name (i.e. ConneX – Port 1). 
5. Change 
Data Option to analog. Notice the page number increases by 1 when this change is made. 
6.  Go to last page (Note: last page number may vary depending on phone model). Heading should read 
Analog Adjunct. 
7.  On last page: Assign the Data Extension a new or unused extension (Ch2) on the DEFINITY. This is 
the extension number that the ConneX users will call to access RCX. Assign a different DID for each 
user. Assigning the same DID for more then one user will create problems if two people, with the 
same DID try to access the RCX IVR simultaneously. This will be either a DID extension, or 
accessible through a transfer from a main number (i.e. Intuity, Vector, IVR,etc.). 
8.  Type in the extension Name. Give this extension a descriptive name so it is clear what it is being 
used for (i.e. Username B2 - Mobile #1).  
9. Set 
call-appr field to Y.  
10. Perform a display station on Ch1 extension to verify that all changes have been saved. And ensure 
that an Analog Adjunct to the corresponding Ch2 extension exists. 
11.  Done. The DEFINITY PBX is now configured to support one user. 
Meridian PBX ConneX Configuration 
These instructions are applicable for the configuration of Nortel’s Meridian PBX running release 22 or 
SCENARIO #1: Office Phone Used in Conjunction with the ConneX Phone 
There is only one change required on the user’s office Terminal Number (TN) when he/she wishes to use 
the ConneX phone as a complementary business tool. The number of rings should be increased to six 
(06) before going into voicemail. This is required to allow enough time for the gateway to call the mobile 
: No wiring changes are required on this TN. 
1.  On the Meridian maintenance terminal, go to >LD 15 (a.k.a. overlay) to change the (Call Redirection) 
RDR_DATA field to YES and set (Call Forward No Answer) CFN2 to 6 rings.  
2. Go 
>LD 11 to CHG (Change) the (Ringing Cycle Option for Call Forward No Answer) ITEM RCO to 
2 (for example RCO 2= the phone will ring six times before going into voicemail).  Tech Tip: Create a 
new RCO profile for mobile users. Six rings are recommended for this new profile.
3. On 
>LD 11, program a Ringing Pickup Group (RNPG) value for this TN when prompted.