WatchGuard x1000 参照ガイド

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Packet Filter Services
Reference Guide
a site’s Internet service provider. The WatchGuard traceroute service is 
for filtering UNIX-based UDP-style traceroute only. For DOS-based or 
Windows-based traceroute packet filtering, use the ping service instead 
(see “ping” on page 51).
traceroute uses ICMP and UDP packets to build pathways across 
networks using the UDP TTL field to return packets from every router 
and machine between a source and a destination. Letting traceroute into a 
network may enable an outsider to create a map of your private network. 
However, outbound traceroute can be useful for troubleshooting.
Protocols: UDP, ICMP
Server Port(s): Not Applicable
Client Port(s): generally greater than 32768
Wide Area Information Services (WAIS) is a protocol used to search for 
documents over the Internet originally developed at Thinking Machines 
Incorporated. Although WAIS servers are becoming rare, some WWW 
sites use WAIS to scan searchable indices, so it might be a good idea to 
enable outgoing WAIS.
WAIS is based on the ANSI Z39.50 search protocol, and the terms Z39.50 
and WAIS are often used interchangeably.
Protocol:  TCP 
Server Port(s): 210 although servers can be (and often are) configured 
on other ports, much like HTTP servers 
Client Port(s): greater than 1023
The basic WatchGuard service allows configuration and monitoring 
connections to be made to the Firebox. WatchGuard recommends 
allowing this service only to the Management Station. The service is 
typically set up on the trusted interface.