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MSDP Configuration Commands
<SW8800> msdp-tracert max-hops 10 sa-
info peer-info
MSDP tracert: press CTRL_C to break
 D-bit:  set if have this (S,G) in cache but with a different RP
 RP-bit: set if this router is an RP
 NC-bit: set if this router is not caching SA’s
 C-bit:  set if this (S,G,RP) tuple is in the cache
 MSDP Traceroute path information:
   Router Address:
     Fixed-length response info:
       Peer Uptime: 10 minutes,  Cache Entry Uptime: 30 minutes
       D-bit: 0,  RP-bit: 1,  NC-bit: 0,  C-bit: 1
       Return Code: Reached-max-hops
     Next Hop info:
       Next-Hop Router Address:
     SA info:
       Count of SA messages received for this (S,G,RP): 0
       Count of encapsulated data packets received for this (S,G,RP):0
       SA cache entry uptime: 00:30:00 ,  SA cache entry expiry time: 00:03:32
     Peering info:
       Peering Uptime: 10 minutes,  Count of Peering Resets: 3 
originating-rp interface-type interface-number
Table 92   Description of msdp-tracert command domain
Router Address 
Address where the local router creates Peering session with Peer-RPF 
Peer Uptime 
Time for which the local router performs Peering session with 
Peer-RPF neighbor in minute, with the maximum value of 255. 
Cache Entry Uptime 
Present time of (S, G, RP) entry in SA cache of the local router, in 
minute, with the maximum value of 255. 
D-bit: 1 
(S, G, RP) entry existing in SA cache of the local router.
But the RP is different from the RP specified in the request message. 
RP-bit: 1 
The local router is an RP, but it is not necessarily the source RP in (S, 
G, RP) entry. 
NC-bit: 0 
The local router enables SA cache. 
C-bit: 1 
(S, G, RP) entry exists in SA cache of the local router. 
Return Code: 
Return reason is the reached maximum hops and other possible 
value includes:
Hit-src-RP: The local hop router is the source RP in (S, G, RP) entry. 
Next-Hop Router 
If the parameter next-hop-info is used, Peer-RPF neighbor address 
will be displayed. 
Count of SA messages 
received for this 
Number of SA messages received for tracing this (S, G, RP) entry. 
Count of encapsulated 
data packets received 
for this (S,G,RP) 
Number of encapsulated data packets received for tracing this (S, G, 
RP) entry. 
SA cache entry uptime 
Present time of SA cache entry. 
SA cache entry expiry 
Expiry time of SA cache entry. 
Peering Uptime: 10 
Time for which the local router performs Peering session with 
Peer-RPF neighbor. 
Count of Peering Resets  Number of Peering session resets.