3com 8807 参照ガイド

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MSTP Configuration Commands
auto: Configures to automatically check if the link to the Ethernet port is a 
point-to-point link.
Use the stp point-to-point command to configure the current Ethernet port (not) 
to connect with point-to-point link.
Use undo stp point-to-point command to configure the link state to the default 
state in which MSTP automatically detects if the link to the Ethernet port is 
point-to-point link.
By default, switch adopts auto mode.
The port not connected with the point-to-point link cannot transit fast.
The master ports of the link aggregation and the ports operating in full-duplex 
mode are connected to the point-to-point link. You are recommended to keep the 
default settings and let MSTP detect the link state automatically.
This configuration takes effect on the CIST and all the MSTIs. The settings of a port 
whether to connect the point-to-point link will be applied to all the MSTIs where 
the port belongs. Note that a temporary loop may be redistributed if you configure 
a port not physically connected with the point-to-point link as connected to such a 
link by force.
Related command: stp interface point-to-point.
# Configure Ethernet2/1/3 to be connected to the point-to-point link.
<SW8800> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[SW8800] interface Ethernet2/1/3
[3Com-Ethernet2/1/3] stp point-to-point force-true 
stp port priority
stp [ instance instance-id ] port priority priority
undo stp [ instance instance-id ] port priority
Ethernet port view
instance instance-id: Specifies the spanning tree instance ID, ranging from 0 to 
48. The Instance 0 represents CIST.
port priority priority: Specifies the port priority, ranging from 0 to 240, with a 
step length of 16, e.g., 0, 16, and 32. By default, the priorities of a port on the 
MSTIs are 128.