Gestetner f540 補足マニュアル

ページ / 194
Registering Addresses for IP-Faxing
Registering Addresses for IP-Faxing
This section describes how to register
an IP address, host name, or alias fax
number used as a destination for IP-
You can easily specify a destination
by registering the IP address of the re-
ceiving party with Quick Dial or
Speed Dial. If you turn on the Label
Insertion function, the registered
name is automatically printed on the
first page of the sent message with
"To" before it.
You can also attach a document to the
fax message with an easy operation if
you store an Auto Document in the
Quick Dial key the destination is reg-
istered to.
Chapter 3 "Label Insertion", Ad-
vanced Features
Chapter 6 "Auto Documents", Ad-
vanced Features
Registering/Editing a 
The procedure for registering a desti-
nation for IP-Faxing as a Quick Dial
or Speed Dial destination is basically
the same as that for registering a fax
number as a Quick Dial or Speed Dial
destination. The only difference is the
way you enter a destination.
The following example describes how
to register a destination as a Quick
Dial destination.
You need to assign the Internet
FAX function to a user function
key beforehand. If you fail to do so,
you cannot enter the necessary
data when registering a destina-
tion. See p.25 “Assigning User
Function Keys”
On Type 2 machines, the Internet
FAX function is pre-assigned to the
{{{{F5}}}} key.
You can program the following items
as Quick Dial destinations:
• IP address (or the host name or
alias fax number) and name of the
receiving party
• On/off for the Label Insertion
• Selection of Fax Header
❒ It is recommended that you make a
backup copy of the stored data af-
ter you register or edit it. The back-
up operation can be done through
your Web browser. For detailed in-
structions, see the Web browser's
online Help and p.153 “Making
Settings through a Web Browser”
❒ Do not register both alias fax num-
ber and IP address or alias fax
number and host name for the
same destination.
❒ You can store an IP-Fax number as
a Speed Dial destination or Group
destination in the same way as
storing it as a Quick Dial destina-
❒ You can also make settings through