GoVideo ddv2120 ユーザーズマニュアル

ページ / 64
Dual-Deck VCR User’s Guide
Chapter 2 - Quick Tour
J O G   W H E E L
While a tape is paused, rotate the Jog Wheel
forward or backward to advance or rewind the
tape one frame at a time.
While watching TV, press to display the last
channel viewed.
Press to display the VCR’s Main Menu.
Press to turn the sound on and off.
P L A Y  
Press to play the tape in the active deck. In the
menu system, press to move the blinking
selection arrow up.
Press to power the VCR on and off.
Press to start recording in the active deck. Press
repeatedly to add recording time in 30-minute
increments (see One Touch Recording, page 14).
While a tape is playing, press to replay the last
30 seconds.
R E W I N D  
While the VCR is stopped, press to rewind the
tape in the active deck. While a tape is playing,
press to visually search backward (Review). In
the menu system, press to return to the previ-
ous menu.
S C E N E / T I T L E
While in the 8-Scene Editor, press to mark the
beginning and ending points of scenes (see
page 23). While recording, press to superim-
pose On-Screen Titles (see page 27).
S E A R C H / I N D E X
While the VCR is in Stop, Play, Fast-Forward, or
Rewind, press to display the Search/Index Menu
(see page 33). While a tape is recording, places
an Index mark on the tape (see page 32).
S H U T T L E   R I N G
While a tape is playing, rotate the Shuttle Ring
forward or backward to gradually increase or
decrease the playback speed.
While a tape is playing, press 1-5 times to skip
ahead 1 minute at a time (up to 5 minutes). While
the VCR is copying, press 1-5 times to skip edit
(remove) the next 1-5 minutes (see page 24).
S L O W   – / +
While a tape is playing, press to play the tape
in slow motion at variable speeds.
S P / S L P
Press to set the record speed to SP (Standard
Play) or SLP (Super Long Play). SLP is three
times longer than SP.
S T I L L / F. A D V
While a tape is playing or recording, press to
pause the tape in the active deck. While a tape
is paused, press repeatedly to advance the
tape one frame at a time.
S T O P / E J E C T  
Press to stop the tape in the active deck. Press
twice to eject the tape. In the menu system,
press to move the blinking selection arrow
T R K  
  –   A U T O
While a tape is playing, press to manually
adjust tracking (white lines on the screen). Press
AUTO to resume automatic tracking.
Press to set the remote to operate your televi-
sion. Note: When selected, the keys on the
remote will not operate the VCR.
T V / V C R
Your TV and your VCR both have television
tuners. This allows you to watch one show with
the TV tuner while recording another show with
the VCR tuner. Press the TV/VCR key to switch
back and forth between the TV tuner and the
VCR tuner.
T V   V I E W
Press to change the view on your television
among all the Dual-Deck VCR input sources:
Tuner, Deck 1, Deck 2, Line 1, and Line 2. This
allows you to record a show in Deck 1 and
watch another tape in Deck 2.
Press to set the remote to operate your VCR.
V C R   P L U S +
Press to open the VCR Plus+ programming
menu (see page 21).
V I D E O   D U B
While a recording is paused, press to begin
dubbing a new video track (see page 15).
V O L U M E   + / –
Press to adjust the volume.