Avaya 3910 接続ガイド

ページ / 318
Using Autodialing Applications
with PassageWay Solution
This chapter provides information for using other Windows applications with
PassageWay Solution. Most applications that are designed to autodial (using
the Hayes' command set) can work with PassageWay Solution.
Using Autodialing Applications
Windows applications such as personal information managers (PIMs),
schedulers, and the Windows Cardfile dial phone numbers via modems using
the Hayes' command set. They do not use the modem to transfer data; rather,
they dial the phone number you select and expect you, the user, to pick up the
telephone to complete the call.
PassageWay Solution can decode the Hayes' commands necessary to dial a
telephone number. The application that performs the dialing will think there is
a modem connected to your PC, not PassageWay Solution. There are a few
parameters and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure that
PassageWay Solution will operate with your application.