Canon PRISMAdirect マニュアル

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Configure a web shop
You can create and configure web shops with the workspace [Web shop editor]. You can create
themes for the web shops. You can create product catalogues for the web shops. A product
catalog contains one or more products. Each product catalog can be assigned to one or more
user groups. The users can create orders using the products of the assigned product catalog.
When you enable anonymous access to a web shop, you allow anonymous customers to browse
the web shop. Anonymous customers cannot order from the web shop. Customers have to log in
to the web shop to order products. You can enable anonymous access in [Web shop settings] -
[General settings]. You can assign a dedicated product catalog for guests to the web shop.
The application offers one default web shop: [Default]. You cannot change the name of the
default web shop.
Click [New web shop].
Type the name. You can use the characters: 'a. - z.', 'A. - Z.', '0. - 9.', '_' . Spaces are not allowed.
You cannot change the name after you create the web shop.
Assign a theme to the web shop. 
Select a theme in the [Theme name] option in the [Design] tab. When you want to create a new
theme, see 
Assign a default product catalog to the web shop. 
Select a [Default product catalog] in tab [Products]. When you want to create a new product
catalog, see 
Assign a product catalog for guests to the web shop. 
Use the [Set as 'Product catalog for guests'] option in the [Products] tab. When you want to create
a new product catalog for guests, see 
Click the [Save] icon. The [Save] icon appears when any changes are made to the web shop. 
Saving could take some time. The status bar indicates the progress.
Configure a web shop
Chapter 4 - Web shop
PRISMAdirect v1.2