Canon EOS M10 EF-M 15-45mm IS STM Kit White マニュアル

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The dust-erased image can be reverted to its original condition 
at any time
A dust-erased image is displayed or printed as a dust-erased image. 
However, since the dust on the image is not actually erased, you can 
always revert to the original image by clicking the [
] button in 
the Dust Delete/Copy Stamp tool palette or performing the “Re-Editing 
an Image” procedure 
Printing dust-erased images
You can print as a dust-erased image by printing it in DPP.
To erase dust spots that cannot be erased with the automatic 
dust erasure processing
In automatic dust erasure processing, dust spots are erased based on 
information relating to dust saved in the Dust Delete Data. However, 
there may be cases where you will not be able to erase dust spots 
depending on the type of dust. If this occurs, erase those dust spots 
using the repair function 
 or the copy stamp function 
The image becomes a dust-erased image when converted and 
The dust-erased RAW image actually becomes a dust-erased image 
when converted to a JPEG or TIFF image and saved 
Applying the dust erasure result to another image
You can apply dust erasure to the same place in another image by 
clicking the [Copy] button to copy the dust erasure results and then 
displaying the other image to which you want to apply the results and 
clicking the [Paste] button.
Additional information
In the main window, you can also automatically erase dust spots in 
multiple images appended with Dust Delete Data.
Select multiple images appended with Dust Delete 
Data, and then select the [Adjustment] menu 
[Apply Dust Delete Data].
Dust spots in all the selected images are erased in a single 
Automatic Dust Erasure Processing in the Main Window