Netgear PR2000 - Trek N300 Travel Router and Range Extender ユーザーズマニュアル

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genie BASIC Settings 
Trek N300 Travel Router and Range Extender PR2000 
If you want to use your Trek in more than one type of Internet connection, a saved profile 
lets you make connections more quickly.
In the field provided, enter a name for the profile.
Your saved profiles display on the Profile Settings screen after you click the Apply 
button. For more information, see 
From the Country list, select your country.
From the Internet Service Provider list, select your Internet service provider.
In the PIN code field, enter your PIN code.
From the Connection Mode list, select your connection mode.
In the Idle Timeout field, enter the connection time-out in minutes.
Click the Apply button.
Your settings are saved.
Basic Wireless Settings
You can view or configure the wireless network setup.
The Trek comes with preset security. This means that the WiFi network name (SSID), 
network key (password), and security option (encryption protocol) are preset in the factory. 
You can find the preset SSID and password on the label of the unit. 
The preset SSID and password are uniquely generated for every 
device to protect and maximize your wireless security.
NETGEAR recommends that you do not change your preset security settings
If you do 
decide to change your preset security settings, make a note of the new settings and store it in 
a safe place where you can easily find it.
If you use a wireless computer to change the SSID or other wireless security settings, you 
are disconnected when you click the Apply button. To avoid this problem, use a computer 
with a wired connection to access the Trek.
To view or change basic wireless settings:
Launch your browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the Trek.
Enter or in the web browser address bar.
The login screen displays.
Enter the Trek user name and password.
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and 
password are case-sensitive.