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Chapter 5: Functions in the Environment Menu
The PARIS Designer32 Reference Manual
Do I need to modify the Input Filter for my print
The PARIS Designer is supplied with a default Input Filter (DFLT.FIL) which
should cater for the majority of printstreams. If  required, the default Input Filter can
be modified and saved as a new Input Filter which can  be loaded at any time and
applied to the environments you create.
It is important to note that the Input Filter only acts on the environment within which
it is defined. In most cases print data will be coming from a single host and will have
the same structure from job to job. Therefore the Input Filter would normally be the
same within all your environments.
The common practice of users of the PARIS Designer is to set up the default
environments DFLTP.ENV and DFLTL.ENV to suit their print files, including
modifying the Input Filter. The first time the Input Filter is modified, it can be saved
as a .FIL file (refer to Using the Input Filter to set the character functions
 on page
Once you have modified and saved the Input Filter to suit your print files you do not
have to load it each time you create a new environment. The Input Filter defined in
the default environment (or any existing environment you are using as a template)
will apply to the new environment.
To save a new Input
Filter, select the Save
button to display the
Select/Enter Save File
Name (.FIL) dialogue