Honeywell Liquid Cooled 35kW Home Standby Generator オーナーマニュアル

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Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before installing, operating 
or servicing this equipment. Become familiar with this Owner’s 
Manual and with the unit. The generator can operate safely, effi-
ciently and reliably only if it is properly installed, operated and 
maintained. Many accidents are caused by failing to follow simple 
and fundamental rules or precautions.
The manufacturer cannot anticipate every possible circumstance 
that might involve a hazard. The warnings in this manual, and on 
tags and decals affixed to the unit are, therefore, not all inclusive. 
If a procedure, work method or operating technique is used that 
the manufacturer does not specifically recommend, ensure that it 
is safe for others. Also make sure the procedure, work method or 
operating technique utilized does not render the generator unsafe.
 Despite the safe design of this generator, 
operating this equipment imprudently, neglect-
ing its maintenance or being careless can cause 
possible injury or death. Permit only respon-
sible and capable persons to install, operate or 
maintain this equipment.
 Potentially lethal voltages are generated by 
these machines. Ensure all steps are taken to 
render the machine safe before attempting to 
work on the generator.
 Parts of the generator are rotating and/or hot 
during operation. Exercise care near running 
For safety reasons, the manufacturer recommends that this 
equipment be installed, serviced and repaired by a Service 
Dealer or other competent, qualified electrician or installation 
technician who is familiar with applicable codes, standards 
and regulations. The operator also must comply with all such 
codes, standards and regulations.
Installation, operation, servicing and repair of this (and related) 
equipment must always comply with applicable codes, stan-
dards, laws and regulations. Adhere strictly to local, state and 
national electrical and building codes. Comply with regulations 
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has 
established. Also, ensure that the generator is installed, operat-
ed and serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions and recommendations. Following installation, do nothing 
that might render the unit unsafe or in noncompliance with the 
aforementioned codes, standards, laws and regulations.
The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide gas, which 
can be DEADLY. This dangerous gas, if breathed in sufficient 
concentrations, can cause unconsciousness or even death. For 
that reason, adequate ventilation must be provided. This should 
be considered prior to installing the generator. The unit should 
be positioned to direct exhaust gasses safely away from any 
building where people, animals, etc., will not be harmed. Any 
exhaust stacks that ship loose with the unit must be installed 
properly per the manufacturer's instruction, and in strict compli-
ance with applicable codes and standards.
Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive belts, fans, 
and other moving or hot parts. Never remove any drive belt or 
fan guard while the unit is operating.
Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and ventilating air is 
critical in any room or building housing the generator to prevent 
buildup of explosive gases and to ensure correct generator 
operation. Do not alter the installation or permit even partial 
blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seriously affect 
safe operation of the generator.
Keep the area around the generator clean and uncluttered. 
Remove any materials that could become hazardous.
When working on this equipment, remain alert at all times. 
Never work on the equipment when physically or mentally 
Inspect the generator regularly, and promptly repair or replace 
all worn, damaged or defective parts using only factory-
approved parts.
Before performing any maintenance on the generator, discon-
nect its battery cables to prevent accidental start-up. Disconnect 
the cable from the battery post indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG 
or (–) first. Reconnect that cable last.
Never use the generator or any of its parts as a step. Stepping 
on the unit can stress and break parts, and may result in dan-
gerous operating conditions from leaking exhaust gases, fuel 
leakage, oil leakage, etc.
All stationary emergency generators covered by this manual 
produce dangerous electrical voltages and can cause fatal 
electrical shock. Utility power delivers extremely high and dan-
gerous voltages to the transfer switch as well as the generator. 
Avoid contact with bare wires, terminals, connections, etc., 
on the generator as well as the transfer switch, if applicable. 
Ensure all appropriate covers, guards and barriers are in place 
before operating the generator. If work must be done around 
an operating unit, stand on an insulated, dry surface to reduce 
shock hazard.
Do not handle any kind of electrical device while stand-
ing in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet. 
Safety004  Rev
. F  05/10
Safety Instructions