Cisco Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.1 ライセンス情報

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OL-25468-01             Open Source Used In Cisco Mobile Wireless Transport Manager 6.1.7
all rights not expressly granted. (b) You may make a single archival copy of Software, but otherwise may not copy,
modify, or distribute Software. However if the Sun documentation accompanying Software lists specific portions of
Software, such as header files, class libraries, reference source code, and/or redistributable files, that may be handled
differently, you may do so only as provided in the Sun documentation. (c) You may not rent, lease, lend or
encumber Software. (d) Unless enforcement is prohibited by applicable law, you may not decompile, or reverse
engineer Software. (e) The terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to any Software updates, provided to
you at Sun's discretion, that replace and/or supplement the original Software, unless such update contains a separate
license. (f) You may not publish or provide the results of any benchmark or comparison tests run on Software to any
third party without the prior written consent of Sun. (g) Software is confidential and copyrighted. (h) Unless
otherwise specified, if Software is delivered with embedded or bundled software that enables functionality of
Software, you may not use such software on a stand-alone basis or use any portion of such software to interoperate
with any program(s) other than Software. (i) Software may contain programs that perform automated collection of
system data and/or automated software updating services. System data collected through such programs may be used
by Sun, its subcontractors, and its service delivery partners for the purpose of providing you with remote system
services and/or improving Sun's software and systems. (j) Software is not designed, licensed or intended for use in
the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility and Sun and its licensors disclaim any
express or implied warranty of fitness for such uses. (k) No right, title or interest in or to any trademark, service
mark, logo or trade name of Sun or its licensors is granted under this Agreement.
6.Term and Termination.
The license and service term are set forth in your Entitlement(s). Your rights under this Agreement will terminate
immediately without notice from Sun if you materially breach it or take any action in derogation of Sun's and/or its
licensors' rights to Software. Sun may terminate this Agreement should any Software become, or in Sun's reasonable
opinion likely to become, the subject of a claim of intellectual property infringement or trade secret
misappropriation. Upon termination, you will cease use of, and destroy, Software and confirm compliance in writing
to Sun. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 9-15 will survive termination of the Agreement.
7.Java Compatibility and Open Source.
Software may contain Java technology. You may not create additional classes to, or modifications of, the Java
technology, except under compatibility requirements available under a separate agreement available at
Sun supports and benefits from the global community of open source developers, and thanks the community for its
important contributions and open standards-based technology, which Sun has adopted into many of its products.
Please note that portions of Software may be provided with notices and open source licenses from such communities
and third parties that govern the use of those portions, and any licenses granted hereunder do not alter any rights and
obligations you may have under such open source licenses, however, the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of
liability provisions in this Agreement will apply to all Software in this distribution.
8. Limited Warranty.
Sun warrants to you that for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt, the
media on which Software is furnished (if any) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship under normal
use. Except for the foregoing, Software is provided "AS IS". Your exclusive remedy and Sun's entire liability under
this limited warranty will be at Sun's option to replace Software media or refund the fee paid for Software. Some