Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 トラブルシューティングガイド

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CTI OS Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions Release 7.1(1)
About This Guide
This manual provides information about troubleshooting the CTI OS product. It 
presumes that the ICM software, CTI Server, and CTI OS products have already 
been installed. 
Refer to the CTI OS System Manager's Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & 
Hosted Editions
 on the CTI OS distribution media (CD) for the product 
description, architecture, installation, and configuration information for the CTI 
OS product. See 
for the complete set of ICM manuals.
How to Use this Manual
This manual is organized by symptom and diagnosis. To diagnose a problem, 
search the table of contents for the problem description that best fits your 
symptoms. The document groups related symptoms into sections. Many symptom 
descriptions are similar, so it will be helpful to read all of the symptoms/solutions 
within the sections related to what you are seeing. Reviewing the troubleshooting 
steps for each of these problems will help ensure that your system is correctly 
installed and configured.
For each problem, the following information is provided:
Problem/symptom description
Possible causes
Steps to diagnose and resolve