Cisco Cisco E-Mail Manager Unity Integration Option ユーザーガイド

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In an IPCC Enterprise environment, Redirection on No Answer situations increment call type
statistics as follows:
For the initial call type, CallsOffered is incremented. When the call redirects, the CallsRONA
field is incremented.
For the Redirection on No Answer call type, CallsOffered is incremented as well as fields
related to the completion of the call. For example, if the call is handled the CallsHandled
field is incremented.
Because CallsOffered is incremented twice for the call, use a different call type for Redirection
on No Answer calls to ensure that the call does not peg the same call type twice.
In call type reports, these calls are grouped into the "Other" column. You can also view a
count of Redirection on No Answer calls in agent and skill group reports.
How Calls that Experience Redirection on No Answer with CVP Affect Call Type Reporting
The Redirection on No Answer feature, configured in Agent Desk Settings in ICM/IPCC
configuration tool and in CVP, ensures that when an agent does not answer a call, the call is
taken away from the agent after a specified number of seconds and re-assigned to another agent
or requeued. Redirection on No Answer is also used to change the agent state to Not Ready
when a call is rerouted from the agent's phone. When the Ring No Answer time in the Agent
Desk Settings expires, ICM/IPCC software makes the agent unavailable for routing requests.
When the CVP Ring No Answer timeout expires, the call is requeried for routing to a different
skill group or agent. You configure the CVP Ring No Answer timer to be approximately 2
seconds longer than the Agent Desk Settings Ring no answer time so that the agent is made Not
Ready before the call is requeried. If the agent is not made unavailable first, the script might
reassign the call to the same agent.
Note: The CVP Ring No Answer timeout must be less than 30 seconds because the ICM/IPCC
Central Controller waits up to 30 seconds for a response from the CVP. If the response is not
received within 30 seconds, the call fails.
Because the Ring No Answer time and CVP Ring No Answer timeout are several seconds apart,
it is possible that the call will continue to ring on the agent's phone after the agent is made Not
Ready. If the agent answers the phone in this brief interval, the context of the call will not be
reported and reports will show that the agent went directly into Active state from Not Ready
You can configure the routing script to handle Redirection on No Answer situations in two
ways: the script can change the call type when the calls is requeried, or the script can continue
to use the same call type.
The manner in which you script for Redirection on No Answer affects the report data that you
see, as follows:
If you change the call type (recommended), CallsOffered, CallsRequeried, and OverflowOut
is updated for the initial call type. CallsOffered and fields related to the completion of the
call, such as CallsHandled, are incremented for the second call type.
Reporting Guide for Cisco IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions 7.0(0)
Chapter 4: Measuring Customer Experience
Call Type Reporting