Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 参照ガイド

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CTI Driver for Siebel 7 Reference Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Cisco CTI OS Release 7.2(1)
Chapter 5      Troubleshooting and Testing
Using Siebel Macros
Using Siebel Macros
Using Siebel Macros on Login
If the Siebel @UserName macro is specified on the Login command, it is easier to read the Driver log 
because most of the lines have the Siebel user name printed in the front; otherwise, you need to search 
for it by AgentID/Extension.
The following is an example of the Login command that uses the Siebel macro mentioned above:
   Profile       = ""
   DeviceCommand = "LogIn"
   Comments      = ""
   CmdData       = "LoginToPBXDevice"
   Hidden        = "TRUE"
      Param.AgentWorkMode           = "0"
      Param.UserId                  = "{@UserName}"
      Comments                      = ""
      Param.SkillGroupBroadcastStat = "TRUE"
      Param.Password                = "{@AgentPin}"
      Param.ACDQueue                = "{@QueueList}"
      Param.AgentBroadcastStat      = "FALSE"
      Param.AgentId                 = "{@AgentId}"
The following is an example of a Driver log that uses the Siebel macro mentioned above:
11/25/02 16:36:44.711  1688  siebmtshmw  [DRIVER <ASP7 -- 282>] EVENT: OnCallBegin: (PeripheralID:5002 
ConnectionCallID:789 CallType:10 ServiceNumber:-1 ServiceID:-1
SkillGroupPriority:0 NumNamedVariables:0 NumNamedArrays:0
CallVariable2:9782758589 CallVariable10:SiebelDataStore.Access.Fail
RouterCallKeyDay:0 RouterCallKeyCallID:0 DeviceID:22
UniqueObjectID:call.5002.789.22 CallStatus:65535 MessageID:eCallBeginEvent
11/25/02 16:36:44.881  1688  siebmtshmw  [call.5002.789.20] eCallDataUpdateEvent 
11/25/02 16:36:44.891  1688  siebmtshmw  [DRIVER <ASP5 -- 280>] EVENT: OnCallDataUpdate: (PeripheralID:5002
PeripheralType:1 ConnectionCallID:789 CallType:10 ServiceNumber:-1
ServiceID:-1 SkillGroupID:5059 SkillGroupPriority:0 NumNamedVariables:0
NumNamedArrays:0 CallVariable2:9782758589
CallVariable10:SiebelDataStore.Access.Fail RouterCallKeyDay:0
RouterCallKeyCallID:0 EnablementMask:0x180002 DeviceID:20
UniqueObjectID:call.5002.789.20 CallStatus:1 MessageID:eCallDataUpdateEvent
ASP5 and ASP7 represent the Siebel user names and 280 and 282 are their Agent IDs.
Supported Switches
The Cisco Driver for Siebel 7 supports the following switches: