Cisco Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal 11.0(1) 開発者ガイド

ページ / 91
XML 3.1 
Element Specifications 
Audio Groups
Audio groups define the different places within an element where audio can be played.  Each audio group may 
contain one or more audio items that can be played one after another.  Bargein is specified on the audio group level, and therefore 
all audio items within the same audio group will share the same barge in value.  Audio items may be pre-recorded audio files, text-
to-speech (TTS) phrases, and Say It Smart types (playback of formatted data such as dates, currency amounts, etc).  Each audio 
group is described using the following attributes: 
:  This defines whether the audio group is required to have a configuration value, in order for CVP VoiceXML Studio 
to validate the voice element configuration.  In CVP VoiceXML Studio, all required audio groups will show up in the Audio 
pane when a new element is dragged to the workspace, and they are not removable.  Audio groups that are optional will be 
included in the “Add Audio Groups” list and can be configured after they are added to the Audio pane. 
Max 1
:  This defines whether multiple audio groups can be configured.  If set to Yes, the element may only have one such 
audio group configured, though the audio group may still contain more than one audio items.  If set to No, multiple audio 
groups can be configured in CVP VoiceXML Studio by right clicking on Audio Groups (at top of the pane) and choosing the 
“add audio group name” option.  In CVP VoiceXML Studio, any audio group that is limited to one configuration per element 
will not display a count in its name, and the Count drop-down box will be greyed out.  Audio groups with multiple counts are 
used to define different audios to play each time a certain VoiceXML event occurs (often known as tapered prompts).
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