Cisco Cisco Customer Voice Portal Downloads

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Release Notes for Cisco Customer Voice Portal, Release 3.0(0) Updated 6/24/05
CVP 3.0 Considerations
<!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool. Set to 0 for no limit. --> 
<!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An 
Exception is thrown if this timeout is exceeded. Set to -1 to wait indefinitely. --> 
Refer to the user documentation for the i-netOpta XS JDBC driver for Data Pool configuration at
Nuance Configuration Requirements
These are the recommended configuration changes to the Nuance MRCP Server for optimal call 
treatment. The config files for MRCP are in the relative directory \Nuance\V8.5.0\mrcp. Add or change 
the following configuration parameters in the following files.
On MRCP Server
If you are using a Cisco Content Server Switch with Nuance, you need to set the parameter below:
mrcp.SendRtspDestination TRUE
By default, Nuance creates one log file for each call in addition to the MRCP Server log files. In a 
production system, this can quickly fill up the Nuance disk space. It is recommended to turn off this type 
of logging.
To turn off individual Call log file creation, in watcher.startup, add this startup parameter to the line 
beginning with ‘mrcp-server’:
Nuance is configured as a 3-tier. Also, hyper-threading must be enabled.
If you keep the default logging level of STATUS, it will impact performance.
CVP VoiceXML Server Language Setting for Nuance
If you are creating CVP VoiceXML Studio scripts that use ASR/TTS with Nuance, in each one of your 
CVP VoiceXML Server scripts you need to set the Language field under Properties->CVP VoiceXML 
General Settings to “en-us” (without the quotes). You do this because en-US is sent to Nuance if this 
field is not set and Nuance only accepts en-us as the language type.