Cisco Cisco Computer Telephony Integration OS 8.5 開発者ガイド

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CTI OS Developer’s Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Cisco CTI OS Release 7.2(1)
Chapter 5      CTI OS ActiveX Controls
Property Pages
Property Pages
While most settings in CTI OS are downloaded from CTI OS server to the client, ActiveX controls 
additionally offer property pages. The activation of the property pages is container dependent (e.g. in 
Visual Basic, you can “right-click” on an ActiveX control and select Properties from the pop-up menu). 
In CTI OS the most common properties selectable via property pages are ButtonType (e.g., The Holdctl 
can be a hold or retrieve button), as well as fonts and colors.
Button Controls and Grid Controls
Most of the CTI OS ActiveX controls are either Button Type Controls or Grid Type Control, with the 
following exceptions:
Some of the Utility controls (CtiCommonDlgs, SubClassFormCtl).
As such they share common principles. 
Button Controls
Button Controls include the AgentStateCtl, AlternateCtl, AnswerCtl, BadLineCtl, ConferenceCtl, 
EmergencyAssistCtl, HoldCtl, MakeCallCtl, ReconnectCtl, SupervisorOnlyCtl, RecordCtl, and 
TransferCtl. They provide an UI to perform a certain CTI task (like logging in or answering a call). All 
of the Button Controls are based on the CTI OS ButtonCtl (see Utility controls) and share the same 
characteristics. All CTI OS buttons will enable and disable themselves automatically based on the 
current state of the system. For example, if an agent is not logged in, the only button available to click 
is the Login Button (see AgentStateCtl), or if a call has not been answered and is selected in the 
CallAppearanceCtl, the Answer Button will be enabled (see AnswerCtl and CallAppearanceCtl). All 
buttons can be configured via their property pages to show custom text captions, custom icons and 
custom tooltip captions.
Grid Controls
Grid controls include the AgentSelectCtl, CallAppearanceCtl, AgentStatisticsCtl and 
SkillGroupStatisticsCtl. The Grid Controls are used to display data, select calls (see CallAppearanceCtl) 
or Agents (AgentSelectCtl), or in some cases enable you to enter data (e.g. Callvariables in the 
CallAppearanceCtl). The following grid properties can be configured by CTI OS server (see the CTI OS 
System Manager's Guide for Cisco ICM/IPCC Enterprise & Hosted Editions
Columns to display
Column header
Column width
Column alignment