Cisco Cisco IOS Software Release 12.4(2)XB6

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Release Notes for the Cisco PDSN 4.1 Feature in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(15)XR7
Upgrading to New Software Release
Upgrading to New Software Release
The following sections describe how to determine the existing software version and how to upgrade your 
Cisco PDSN:
For information on upgrading to a new software release, see the product bulletin 957 Cisco IOS Software 
Upgrade Ordering Instructions
, located at:
Because the SAMI blade does not support inter-PPC communication on the same VLAN, the existing 
cluster-member architecture model of the Cisco PDSN on a single MWAM blade requires configuration 
changes during provisioning using the SAMI platform. (Of five processors in the MWAM, one is used as 
controller and the others are used as a Cisco PDSN member.) You must use the IP address from a different 
subnet on the controller and member interface, and explicitly enable routing through the supervisor for 
communication with each other. 
This step requires additional configuration on the PCF side as well: change in cluster controller IP address 
in PCF, routing, and so on. 
Additionally, ensure that the cluster-related configuration is newly introduced in the Cisco PDSN member 
for the member to participate in a cluster environment.
Complete the migration procedure using the steps described in scenario 4 or 5.
You must perform this step in a maintenance window.
The migration steps are similar to scenario 5.
We do not recommend having MWAM (Release 3.0 image) and SAMI Cisco PDSN (Release 4.0 image) 
members participating in the same cluster controller based on Release 3.0 image for the following 
Handling of Rev. A calls: Enabling the CLI to support multiple flows cannot be done in a Release 
3.0-based controller. Additionally, having a SAMI and an MWAM Cisco PDSN participating in a single 
controller may end up redirecting or suggesting  the IP address of a MWAM Release 3.0 Cisco PDSN 
for a Rev. A call. 
Table 4
Migration Steps from Cisco PDSN 3.x to 4.1
Migration Steps