Cisco Cisco Aironet 350 Wireless LAN Client Adapter

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Release Notes for Cisco Aironet 350 and CB20A Client Adapter Install Wizard 1.4 for Windows
Resolved Firmware Caveats
The following caveats are resolved in firmware 5.41.00.
CSCed75714—WPA client may take up to 5 minutes to associate to 11g access point
The client adapter may take up to 5 minutes to associate to an 802.11g access point when the 
following settings are enabled: WPA or WPA-PSK, IP phone QOS element, and low power (less than 
100 mW).
CSCin51159—ACU Status screen and ACM Connection Status screen may display incorrect SSID
If your client adapter is configured with multiple profiles, the ACU Status screen and ACM 
Connection Status screen may incorrectly display the SSID of a profile that is not is use. However, 
the functionality of your client adapter is not affected.
Resolved Driver Caveats
The following caveat is resolved in PC, LM, and PCI card driver 8.5.26 and mini PCI and PC-Cardbus 
card driver 3.8.26.
CSCed95974—Network traffic may be interrupted by Windows XP scan requests
If your client adapter is installed in a Windows XP computer but is configured using ACU, network 
traffic may be interrupted by scan requests from the Windows XP operating system. Drivers 8.5.26 
and 3.8.26 resolve this issue by blocking Windows XP scan requests whenever the Use Another 
Application to Configure My Wireless Settings option is not selected on ACU's profile manager 
Select Profile screen.
Resolved Security Module Caveats
The following caveats are resolved in LEAP security module 6.3.21.
CSCee21739—Cisco GINA fails to recognize when Novell Client software is uninstalled
If your computer has both LEAP and Novell Client software installed, you are prompted to enter 
separate LEAP credentials. This is the expected behavior. However, if you uninstall the Novell 
software, the Cisco GINA continues to prompt for a separate username and password rather than 
obtaining the credentials from the Windows login prompt.
CSCed91193—EAP-FAST Authentication Status screen appears during LEAP authentication
If you select an EAP-FAST profile with an SSID that is not available and then select a LEAP profile 
whose SSID is available, the client adapter successfully LEAP authenticates. However, the 
Authentication Status screen shows EAP-FAST authenticated.
Getting Bug Information on
If you are a Cisco registered user, you can use the Cisco TAC Software Bug Toolkit, which consists of 
three tools (Bug Navigator, Bug Watcher, and Search by Bug ID Number) that help you to identify 
existing bugs (or caveats) in Cisco software products. 
Access the TAC Software Bug Toolkit at the following URL: