Cisco Cisco 4404 Wireless LAN Controller 白書

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Cisco and Intel—Five Myths of Wireless Networks 
Page 7 
Voice Services 
•  Cost avoidance—Cisco customers’ claim that as many as 50 to 80 percent of corporate cellular calls are made between employees located 
within the same campus. Wireless voice over IP allows the business to route these calls over the internal Wi-Fi network and  
avoid the cellular carrier rate charges.  
•  Universal telephony—Many companies have locations in which voice services are not currently available for all employees, such as retail 
stores, distribution centers, warehouses, and manufacturing floors. By deploying wireless voice over IP, the business can provide voice 
services, including a direct dial extension and individual voicemail to every employee. Mobile telephony improves productivity by increasing 
call completion and reducing the time spent accessing voicemail.  
Guest Access Services 
•  Decreased support costs—Traditionally,  non-employees who visit the business 
either go without network access or rely on the IT department to securely configure 
their PCs to work on the network. By providing wireless guest access, the business 
can significantly reduce the cost of providing network access to guests and 
contractors and do it in a secure and manageable way. 
•  Partner services—Guest services are ideal as a single network platform for 
offering secure network access to multiple constituents. Locations such as factories, 
retail stores, and airports often require a single infrastructure for multiple 
companies. Using guest access, a business can provide its partners with wireless 
network access without the need for each partner to individually deploy their own. 
Security Services 
•  Physical security—The pervasiveness of the wireless network lends itself to 
physical security applications such as video surveillance and facility control (for 
example, badge reading). While these are not new applications, physical security 
can be delivered in a more cost-effective and pervasive manner than previously possible.   
“The contractors and partners that come 
to our offices arrive expecting an outlet 
to the internet.  Without this access, 
most meetings or projects are delayed 
as we work to find ways around the 
access issue.” 
—  Chris S. Thomas 
Chief Strategist 
•  Rogue network containment—Businesses continue to struggle with the containment of rogue wireless networks because of the ease with 
which users can purchase and deploy consumer-grade Wi-Fi access points. Integrated RF monitoring capabilities allow the wireless system 
to detect the presence of rogue activity and contain it. By combining RF monitoring with location services, the network can provide precise 
location details on where the rogue activity is occurring so that it can be physically removed. 
Pervasive wireless deployments are providing business benefits far beyond productivity improvements. With wireless LAN mobility services, 
businesses can now deploy innovative applications to change business processes and provide new avenues for revenue growth and potential 
competitive advantage. As the adoption of wireless and mobile solutions expands, businesses will derive greater benefit from their 
VoIP over Wi-Fi Case Study 
Voice over IP has seen steady growth in the enterprise, with corporations taking advantage of the convergence of voice on their LAN or WAN 
infrastructure. With the same advantages of VoIP on wired networks in the enterprise, corporations are extending VoIP over Wi-Fi to reduce 
costs and improve communication efficiencies. 
For many businesses, making voice calls by telephone is crucial for communicating in a timely manner with customers and staff and between 
offices. By providing the underlying technologies for security, quality of service, and improved voice codecs, Cisco and Intel help IT 
departments leverage their mobile users’ unique working environments to aggressively compete in today’s marketplace. 
Cisco and Intel Deliver Mature Wireless 
•  Cisco and Intel have combined their efforts to bring wireless technology from early adoption to maturation.  
Examples of this focus include: 
•  Founding members of the Wi-Fi Alliance to drive interoperability and increase market adoption of wireless networking. 
•  Relentless focus on standards development to deliver enhancements in wireless network features such as security,  
management, quality of service and throughput. 