Cisco Cisco Prime Network Registrar 8.1 テクニカルリファレンス

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Cisco Prime 
 Network Registrar Attribute Types
AT_AMELST (amelist)
(AddressMatchElement). This specific type is provided to make
 generic parsing and unparsing work for attributes of this type.
AT_ARRAY (array)
AT_ATTRTYPE (attrtype)
 A CNR attribute type, stored as an integer.
AT_BITARRAY (bitarray)
 A bit-array, stored as an AT_BLOB of a fixed size.
AT_BLOB (blob)
 A sequence of unsigned octets.
AT_BOOL (bool)
 An 8-bit boolean value with only 0 and 1 as the legal values.
AT_BYTE (byte)
 An unsigned 8 bit integer value.
AT_CALCBIT (calcbit)
 A specialized type used to in representing certain DHCP options, such as option-81, the 'client-fqdn' option.
AT_CALCFLAG (calcflag)
 A value whose type is defined by the byte value that precedes it. Example: dhcp-v4 option-122, suboption-3. The extra-value field contains a
 map between the flag-byte and the AT_xxx type to use for parse/unparse.
AT_CIS (cis)
 A string that has case-insensitive comparison properties.
 A string attribute that contains the clear text of sensitive information, such as a password.
AT_CONTAINER6 (container6)
 A DHCPv6 option that has encapsulated options.
AT_DATE (date)
 A 32-bit integer value representing a point in time to 1 second resolution. Format is 'Month Date hh:mm:ss Year'. Example: 'Jun 05 00:00:00
AT_DICT (dict)
AT_DNSNAME (dname)
 A fully qualified DNS name, encoded in DNS wire format with counted labels.
AT_DNSTTL (dnsttl)
 A a signed integer with the semantics of a DNS ttl -- only -1 is allowed as a negative number, with the special meaning 'use the zone default'.
AT_ENUMBYTE (enumbyt)
 An 8-bit integer with a fixed set of valid values. Each of the values can optionally have a string name associated with it.
AT_ENUMINT (enumint)
 A 32-bit integer with a fixed set of valid values. Each of the values can optionally have a string name associated with it.
AT_ENUMSHORT (enumshort)
 A 16-bit integer with a fixed set of valid values. Each of the values can optionally have a string name associated with it.
AT_ENUMSTR (enumstr)
 A string with a fixed set of valid values.
AT_EXPR (expr)
 An embedded object of class Expression. This expression can be evaluated (in an appropriate context) to produce a typed value.
AT_FILESIZE (filesz)
 An unsigned 32-bit integer representing the size of a file.
AT_FILTER (filter)
 A 32-bit integer with distinguished names associated with each bit position.