Cisco Cisco Prime Assurance Manager 1.1 白書

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Closing The Loop for Effective Network Operations Management:  
Cisco Prime Assurance Manager 
its essential role without interruption. In this sense, traditional network monitoring practices, which are 
largely reactive in nature, can and must be transformed into network assurance practices, by bringing 
together availability, performance, and change history data across the network and element levels, and 
empowering engineers, managers, and operators to meet the high standards to which the network is 
being held.
An  excellent  example  of   how  an  integrated  network  assurance  approach  can  be  of   benefit  is  the 
challenge in dealing with converging service technologies, such as the way that voice, video, and 
application data must all share a common IP-based network delivery infrastructure. In such settings, 
specific network design/configuration accommodations are required to make sure that voice and live, 
interactive video conferencing traffic, which is highly sensitive to latency and packet loss, is delivered 
with sufficient priority to ensure adequate end user quality of  experience. Other traffic types, such 
as streaming video, file transfers, web applications, etc., will commonly be traveling across the same 
network links at the same time. Integrated network assurance approaches deliver a holistic view of  all 
such “netizens” so that operators can quickly recognize all simultaneous activity, recognize adverse 
influences  and  interactions  between  applications,  isolate  likely  root  causes,  and  make  informed 
decisions about courses of  corrective action. Further, close integration with device provisioning and 
configuration functions shortens the time required to make necessary adjustments to restore service 
levels following an interruption or degradation. 
Cisco’s Next Generation Solution: Prime Network Management
Cisco Systems is so well known for its networking solutions that few realize the company has been 
working diligently over the past several years to build and offer an advanced suite of  network and service 
management solutions. Cisco’s Network Management Technology Group has brought forth a next 
generation of  management tools under the Cisco Prime banner which 
have been completely redesigned, fully integrated, and fully modernized. 
The objective of  the Cisco Prime initiative is to empower networking 
professionals to more effectively manage both their networks as well as 
the services that those networks are intended to deliver. Further, Cisco 
has sought to take full advantage by the advanced capabilities offered 
by their network infrastructure solutions, allowing those who adopt and 
deploy the technology to capture its full value as easily and efficiently 
as possible. This approach starts with a foundation of  common network management technologies, 
layers in features that leverage advanced Cisco capabilities and capitalizes on Cisco’s unparalleled 
technical knowledge base, and ultimately delivers expansive visibility coupled with rapid access to 
relevant controls.
Cisco’s Prime product initiative represents substantial evolutionary thinking and advancement versus 
the prior portfolio of  management tools. In particular, a standard user interface has been applied 
across every element in the suite, eliminating learning curves and the need to change approaches 
when moving from one set of  functions to the next. Further, all consoles and dashboards have been 
redesigned  to  reflect  a  task-oriented  paradigm,  focusing  on  Design,  Deployment,  and  Operations 
activities. The result is that consoles can now support multiple Prime products in a truly seamless 
manner, to the point that it becomes nearly impossible to tell where one product’s features end and the 
next picks up.
Cisco has brought forth 
a next generation of 
management tools under 
the Cisco Prime banner.